When Is the Best Time To Dry Clothes?
One of the easiest ways to save money is to know when is the best time to run your clothes dryer. It can save between 20 and 50 cents per load – depending on your location, rates, and equipment.
You can always save money by doing your wash during nonpeak energy times because electricity rates are lower at these moments. The same principle applies to many other things like movie tickets and airfare, which will be cheaper if you buy them outside peak hours when demand is high.
During high-use energy periods in the winter, meaning in the early morning hours when people click their heaters to warm their houses, electricity costs more. So fill your washing machine with clothes and start getting them wet before you go to bed so they’ll be ready for a quick rinse/spin cycle as soon after turning off your heater as possible.
In the warmer months, especially during the hottest weeks of summer, energy demand is exceptionally high in afternoons and early evenings when folks return home from work and switch on cool air conditioners or fans. So do laundry earlier than usual by filling up machines at night while it’s still cool outside!
Seasonal Guidelines
Winter: Do your laundry at night while everyone is sleeping. You can take advantage of lower rates for electricity when not many people are using it.
Spring: You should save money on your utility bills by washing in the early morning in the South or later at night in the North – depending on whether your Sping is more like summer or winter.
Summer: If you live in a hot climate and have an air-conditioner, then this tip is for you! You can save money by doing your laundry early morning or late at night because the rates are lower during those periods.
Fall: It is a good idea to wash your clothes during the lowest level of energy use in your local area. During this time, you will need to figure out the high and low times for using electricity when it comes down to business hours. The best way is always going with doing laundry at these periods where there’s less power usage.
Just by following some simple suggestions, it’s possible to significantly cut down on your electricity bill each month with as little effort as washing clothes at the right time of day or opting for short cycles when doing laundry.